The Joe Public Guide Series
- The life of Jesus Christ.
- The Holy Bible.
- The history of the Roman Catholic Church
- General information
- The Papacy and the Roman Curia.
- The 7 Sacraments.
- Baptism.
- Confirmation.
- The Eucharist.
- Sinners.
- Death.
- Sex and marriage.
- Holy Orders.
- Saints.
- Monasteries and Convents.
- Missionaries to the New World.
- Good works.
- Pilgrimages.
- Important religious days and celebrations.
- Religious objects.
- The Christian Brothers.
- The Magdalene Laundries.
- Mother and baby homes.
- The Mafia.
- Child abuse.
- Silenced children.
- The wealth of the Roman Catholic Church.
- Opus Dei.
- Different Christian denominations.
- Glossary of terms.